An Amble around Shustoke Reservoir

An Amble of 4.7 miles (7.6km) from The Plough Inn, Shustoke, B46 2AN led by Jane on Sat 3 Feb 2024. The walk has minimal gradients and no stiles and is an enhanced circuit of the reservoir with a detour to Hoggrill's End.

A map of the route and a link to a GPX file follow below the photo album.

Shustoke, 3 Feb 24

Click the Learn more button above to open the map in Outdooractive from where you can download the route to the free Outdooractive app for Android or iOS, or export the route to a GPX file for use in other apps. A GPX file for this route (AAMB0012.gpx) can also be downloaded from this folder. For more about using Outdooractive, and a list of all our routes with GPS files, see: GPS Routes.